Business Value

Understand how to measure social media ROI

Date: 05 May 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Well, you created a business page for Facebook, you patted yourself on the back, kicked up your feet and waited for the flood of new business to come in. How’d that work out for you? Probably not so well. But this doesn't mean you should give up and turn your back on social media. This is a brave new world for all online businesses so you should expect a steep learning curve. To help you along,

How to retain customers with email marketing

Date: 21 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

As a small business owner you’ve gone through the painstaking effort of making your products or services known to potential clients. Once you’ve managed to close the deal, the next step is to plan how to get repeat business from those clients. You can do just that by using email marketing to retain clients for longer, and build profits over an extended timeline. Here are some email marketing

Benefits of CRM for businesses

Date: 07 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

At the end of the day, the success of any business comes down to whether it's making a profit. But building and maintaining relationships with the customer base responsible for that revenue is even more significant. Visionary business owners are implementing customer relationship management (CRM) systems as a part of their business operations. Imagine a product that you purchased a couple of days

Prevent the ultimate break/fix nightmare

Date: 24 Mar 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Have your IT problems become chronic? Is your break/fix contractor hanging around your office so often that he’s on first-name terms with the maid? If you’re starting to think about an alternative IT solution that can clear up your chronic IT issues for good, Managed Services may be just what you’ve been dreaming of. Even better, they could just prevent your ultimate IT nightmare from coming

4 things to consider before selecting an MSP

Date: 11 Mar 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Incorporating technology into business operations can be a challenge, because technology is always on the move, and many businesses simply can’t keep up. Small businesses often put their faith in a single IT guy to look after their tech needs but, chances are, he won't have the time or expertise to be able to deal with wide ranging issues. As a result, many businesses look to Managed Services Pr

The true value of Cloud Computing

Date: 25 Feb 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Are you tired of hearing all the hype about the Cloud revolution? Do you just want to know what the deal is with this IT service? Will it really help your business gain profit and increase efficiency? If you’re sick of all the fluff surrounding Cloud Computing, read on. We’ll unveil its true value and how you can effectively integrate it into your business. You might say that many businesses s

4 useful mobile marketing tips

Date: 06 Feb 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

In this era of ever-present technology, mobile phones are among one of the most frequently used devices for Internet access. They've changed the way most people live; gone are hardcover books, in are eBooks, no more paper money, it's PayPal all the way. So what does this mean for businesses? It means you can no longer ignore the power of mobile! It’s convenient, popular, and here to stay. Check

5 Useful business systems

Date: 11 Dec 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

As the end of the year approaches, stress levels go up within businesses. There is often the pressure to finish end-of-year reports and budget for the next year, not to mention that there can often be extra expenditure requirements during the holiday season too. This is also the time when many businesses begin to look for newer business systems that are not too expensive. To help, here are some fr

Picking the best phone system

Date: 12 Nov 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Businesses in different industries often have unique needs when it comes to the technical systems they integrate. One system however is universal in that every business needs it: The phone system. If your business is looking for a new communications set-up you will quickly find a wealth of options out there. Here are tips you can follow to make sure that you get the best system for your business.

3 IT areas to invest in

Date: 06 Nov 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Any business owner knows that technology is constantly evolving. It really feels as if a new system or device is being introduced on a daily basis. This fast-paced development has subsequently forced IT teams to also move quickly to keep up. IT can now be divided into three main areas, all of which businesses should be investing in. 1. Commodity-oriented IT IT is made up of systems that support d