Business Value

6 website design mistakes

Date: 02 Apr 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A business website is arguably the most important marketing and branding tool today. It is often the first level of interaction customers have with your company and many visitors will decide whether to work with you based solely on how your website is designed. Therefore, you need a website that is designed to engage and meet your visitors' needs. One of the best ways to achieve this is to learn a

7 Tips to successful blogging!

Date: 05 Mar 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

All about business blogging

Date: 05 Feb 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Marketing is one of the most challenging aspects of business that companies face. One has to be constantly evolving and trying out new ideas and strategies in order to remain successful. Many businesses start with a website and social media platform, so that they can interact with customers and clients and create business relationships. While these can be effective, there is one really useful mark

Important tech trends in 2014

Date: 08 Jan 2014 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Each year there are a number of popular tech related trends that come and go, and some business owners often struggle to stay on top of what's hot and what's not. 2013 saw a number of important tech developments and changes, such as the continued rise of social media and the increased use of mobile devices. Now that the year is over, it's time to look forward to what tech advancements we can expe

5 ways to get around spam filters

Date: 11 Dec 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Email is without a doubt one of the most important communication tools for businesses. Many companies even use email to conduct marketing, sending out newsletters and other collateral, such as email blasts, to their existing and potential customers. While this form of marketing can be really effective, there is always the chance that your emails will be blocked by spam filters. If you are developi

What is A/B testing?

Date: 12 Nov 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Testing is an integral part of any project. It usually happens near the end of the development cycle and is important in helping businesses figure out what works best and what customers will react best to. One of the more common tests used by companies the world over is the A/B test. While invariably useful, is it really all it's cracked up to be? A/B tests defined The concept behind A/B testing i

5 useful email marketing tips

Date: 17 Oct 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

One of the more integral business functions is marketing. Without it many companies would be missing out on sales revenue. With the increased adoption of the Internet, many companies have turned to digital marketing solutions like email marketing. The only problem is, while email marketing can be effective, it can be challenging to make it successful. If you have been struggling with your email m

4 steps to securing IP

Date: 18 Sep 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A common issue many businesses face is keeping their important files, ideas, products and information secure from prying eyes. Many small businesses would like to ensure that their intellectual property is secure, but have only a vague idea as to how to go about doing so, or about who actually owns what. Here are four tips on how to keep your resources related to intellectual property (IP) secure

4 tips for better customer service

Date: 21 Aug 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A common reason many customers stick with a company and provide them their business is that the company offers great customer service. It's widely known that companies with poor customer service likely won't stay in business for long, so it is imperative that your company offers only the best service available. The question is, how can you do this especially since much of it is now done online? H

The key to viral content

Date: 25 Jul 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Businesses of all sizes are becoming increasingly invested in social media. One of the reasons for this is because they have seen how content that has gone viral has helped increase the name and value of brands and spread a marketing message. Businesses looking to replicate this usually have no idea about how to go about viral marketing though. However, there are actually tips you can follow to ma