Business Value

5 personal reputation management tips

Date: 26 Jun 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Corporate reputation is the focus of almost every business manager and owner. They know that if the reputation of the business suffers a negative blow, they could see lost business, profits, or worse. What they often fail to take into account though, is that their personal online reputation may be just as important, especially if they are the face of the business. Do you take steps to manage your

Manage your online reputation – 5 tips!

Date: 29 May 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

To many netizens, the Internet is one massive popularity race. Companies and people alike take great strides to carefully build a brand and reputation that they feel comfortable with. Unfortunately, there comes a time for any business when they have to deal with a complaint. There are many warning stories of companies that have handled negative feedback and complaints poorly and seen their reputat

4 apps that help you go green

Date: 01 May 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When it comes to the environment, almost every company takes steps to 'do their part' and try to do what they can to conserve, recycle or give back. Any steps taken to help the environment, or reduce a company's environmental impact are seen as good in the eyes of stakeholders. The problem is, it can be hard to figure out how to start, or do more. One solution may be smartphone apps. Here are four

5 ways to reduce IT spending

Date: 03 Apr 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Is IT outsourcing for me?

Date: 12 Mar 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

In the developed world, outsourcing is commonly seen in two very different ways: Employees see it as a threat to job security, while companies often see it as way to capitalize on less costly labor markets. There's little doubt that many businesses could benefit from some form of outsourcing. Why not start with one of the areas many managers and owners feel least comfortable with: IT. Outsourcing

6 ways to reduce printer costs

Date: 06 Feb 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Small to medium businesses are highly susceptible to increasing operational costs. An increase of only USD$1.00 for an essential item could be enough to force a company out of business. That's why many business owners are always on the search for ways to cut costs. One way which is often overlooked is reducing the costs associated with your printers. Here's six ways to cut printing costs. Pri

Tips on improving IT revenue. Part 3

Date: 05 Jan 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Last week we posted part two of our three part article on how to maximize your IT savings and resources. Here's a quick recap of what part two covered: The article looked at ways you can maximize resources inside your business by being switching to VoIP, investing in the cloud and working with an MSP. Part three takes a look at things you can do to save external IT costs. Here are three ways you

Tips on improving IT revenue. Part 2

Date: 27 Dec 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Last week we posted part one of our three part article on how to maximize your IT savings and resources. Here's a quick recap of what part 1 covered: The article looked at ways you can maximize resources you already have by being an outside thinker, always looking around and using facts to help determine your actions. Part 2 takes a look at things you can do to save internal IT costs. Here's how

How to maximize IT savings – part 1

Date: 21 Dec 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

There are many different reasons people go into business. While money may not be a main motivation to start, staying in profit is how almost every business operates. A company's ability to maximize profits is top of mind for many owners, however, when it comes to maximizing IT related functions managers are often at a loss. To help, we have developed a three part article on how technology can help

5 reasons not to fire your IT provider

Date: 12 Dec 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When it comes to technology we covet the latest and greatest, often running out to snatch up that new iPhone or laptop. When it comes to businesses however, many are pushing their already aging systems to last longer. While this isn't a bad thing - if they still work, use them - these businesses often let their service contracts lapse which could prove to be problematic. Below are five of the