Date: 20 Feb 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
Thinking of adopting a "bring your own device", or BYOD, policy at work? Learn more about what it is, why it's becoming popular – and what you need to consider before rolling it out. You may have noticed more and more of your employees or colleagues bringing their own computing devices to work—be it their mobile phone, tablet, or laptop. Or perhaps in your company or in other companies you ma
Date: 13 Feb 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
For smaller companies and businesses who are constantly on the lookout for great free finds on the web: here are a few nifty and free online tools that might potentially help you, both in saving costs and boosting your productivity and efficiency. It is a constant challenge for small businesses to meet ever-changing and ever-evolving IT requirements while balancing a budget and keeping costs reas
Date: 09 Jan 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
A worldwide shortage of hard drives is expected in the near future as many of the Thai-based factories continue to struggle with flooding. In the same way the massive earthquake and tsunami damaged Japan’s electronics industry, the flood crisis in Thailand is causing concern for companies that require hard drives for production. The majority of the world's hard drives are produced in factories
Date: 06 Jan 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
The use of social networks has changed the way many people communicate with each other online. In the same vein, internal social networks can also enhance communications within a given organization, but only if the right policies to govern its use are developed and implemented by the company it belongs to. With the waves created by social networking in how companies do business nowadays, many hav
Date: 03 Jan 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
It doesn't matter how solid your security system is –any hacker or online thief can figure out a weak password in a couple of hours through trial and error. Don't risk being a victim of a security breach and data theft. Avoid these passwords that are especially easy to crack. If you think using 'password' as your password is no big deal, then it's time to rethink. Security experts have recentl
Date: 29 Dec 2011 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
In an unprecedented move against online fraudsters and hackers, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and authorities in Estonia, aided by information from security firm Trend Micro, recently conducted a raid that brought down an enormous bot network made up of at least 4 million bots. Four million is a big number – which makes four million bots, in security terms, a staggerin
Date: 19 Dec 2011 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
Employees using their own mobile devices for work may seem like a good idea at first – it's less expense for you, the employer, and they can also make employees more productive. However, it also means that you are allowing potentially unsecure devices to access your company's data. The solution? An effective IT security policy that balances personal freedom to use these devices and your need to
Date: 12 Dec 2011 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
Fact: all it takes is one security breach to destroy a company. But few - especially small businesses - seem to realize it, according to a recent survey released by Results show that few small businesses see themselves as a target of online thieves or hackers, resulting in many having only token security policies in place., a website of the National Cyber Se
Date: 21 Nov 2011 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin
Long-term cost-effectiveness. Simple, but comprehensive and updated solutions. Dependable and stable. These are just some of the advantages of using Managed Services to deliver efficient and custom designed IT solutions that meet your specific needs. Many large businesses prefer the use of Managed Services to meet their IT needs, but many smaller organizations continue to be skeptical of this sol