
Tips to use Office 365 more productively

Date: 26 Feb 2016 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A paintbrush can create the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper. An airplane can bring passengers to exotic locations anywhere on the planet. And stone, deftly placed can produce wonders such as the Pyramids or Angkor Wat. But what do the paintbrush, airplane and stone all have in common? Without the wisdom of the painter, pilot or architect, they are nothing more than tools and materials. Office 365 is

5 time-saving Microsoft Word tips

Date: 11 Feb 2016 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Although there are many alternatives out there, Microsoft Word remains one of the most popular and user-friendly word processors for businesses large and small, and for good reason too. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac and is highly capable of handling and creating business documents. While there are millions of people who use Word every day, most are unable to tap into its full potentia

5 must-have Office 365 apps for your business

Date: 26 Jan 2016 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When it comes to modern business operations, Office 365 is the go-to solution. But did you know that among the hundreds of apps available, there is only a handful that are guaranteed to increase your productivity? Some business owners are already aware of this fact and are using Office 365 to its full advantage. Meanwhile, there are others who remain oblivious to the true power of the program. If

Productive employees due to SharePoint

Date: 02 Aug 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

There are many keys to success of a small business, one of the most important keys is your employees. Your employees need to be able to work together while at the same time fulfilling different roles. If they can’t quickly and easily access necessary information, overall productivity will be down. One way to ensure this doesn’t happen is by employing a system like Microsoft SharePoint. SharePo

Save time, have Word create your TOC

Date: 04 Jul 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The saying “presentation is everything” is true for every business. Think back to the last time you read a poorly presented report or longer document. Did it make you want to trust the company or writer? Probably not. It’s important that you present documents that are properly formatted. One way to do this is through the use of headline styles and a generated Table of Contents (TOC), both of

Apps make Office play nice on tablets

Date: 07 Jun 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

When the Android OS was introduced, it had a lot of catching up to do and faced stiff competition. Fast forward a few years, and it’s now the most popular OS, partly in part due to some excellent tablets. Companies have started to adopt Android tablets in greater numbers, but are faced with a problem: Microsoft Office doesn’t have an app. No need to worry though. Here are four apps that have

Go pro with 20 Word keyboard shortcuts

Date: 07 Jun 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Any company that can command a market share of 94% is obviously doing something right. Microsoft has attained this percentage in the word processing market with its many versions of Microsoft Office. The word processor, commonly referred to as Word, is used by nearly all involved in business. To make things more efficient, Microsoft has included a number of keyboard shortcuts. Here are 20 handy k

How to prepare pretty good presentations

Date: 18 May 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Presentations are an important part of business. Take Apple for example, millions of fans eagerly await their next presentation. While many small businesses would love to have an audience like that to present to, they don’t. What you, as a small business owner or manager, do need to do is prepare presentations that are professional and can hold the audience's attention long enough for you to get

Take the Stress out of Presentation Creation

Date: 09 Apr 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

In many businesses, including yours, a good presentation can be the difference between success and failure. The majority of your employees have a degree of competence and comfort while creating presentations. The key questions are: do they reach the target audience, and are they effective? Unfortunately, the majority of the time the answer is no. It’s important that you, that as a manager, you

What Are The Most Common Microsoft Excel Errors?

Date: 15 Mar 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

“Microsoft Excel” is a common buzzword known by all business owners and managers. This program has become a critical tool for business. It’s safe to say that we all know the basics of Excel and are comfortable with what Excel can do. However, one thing that makes people uncomfortable with Excel is the confusing error messages. Read on to learn more about them. While most of us are comfortab