
Do you secure your private information?

Date: 12 Mar 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The Internet has become ingrained in nearly everything we do. There are many people who are barely disconnected these days. While this development is great for companies, that arguably get more out of employees as a result, there is a downside. In general, people are more than willing to share their personal and private information online. This can ruin reputations, or worse still, open you to ide

Prey tracks your important devices

Date: 22 Feb 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The number of tech gadgets we own has been growing, as has the number of criminals targeting high value goods like laptops and smartphones. While it is more likely to not happen, there is still a chance your laptop or phone could be stolen or go missing. When it does, you could lose important data, especially if you use this for your work too. To help increase the chances of finding your device yo

Warning: 250 K Twitter accounts breached

Date: 15 Feb 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Social media has become a large part of both individual users' lives and company business. These platforms allow us to communicate with ease, while sharing information, and generally creating an interactive community. As with any group, security is an issue. We expect to be secure, but there are times when the security of your information could be breached. It only took one month for the first ma

UPnP devices are a security risk

Date: 07 Feb 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The security of a company's networks and devices is a common issue many managers and owners face. There are a near constant stream of new threats brought to light, some of which are more important than others. The majority of the time these threats are to the software, but a recent one is hardware based and puts millions of systems at risk. At the end of January, numerous news and tech media servi

It’s time to cut back on Java

Date: 25 Jan 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Technology surrounding the Internet is constantly evolving. Many programs that helped allow the Internet expand and become what it is today are still in use. They stay relevant by issuing updates that often bring more functionality while meeting the evolving needs of Web developers and users. One program, however, has had a number of security issues in the past year that have prompted experts and

Beware: Windows tech support scammers

Date: 10 Jan 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Social engineering - the act of manipulating people into giving up confidential information - has long been a threat to businesses. One of the more common social engineering tricks, in terms of IT, is scammers posing as Windows technicians who call Windows users and try to trick them into believing their computers have viruses and that they need to pay to have the problem fixed. Have you had these

5 parts of a secure social media strategy

Date: 28 Dec 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Security of a company's network and systems is big business. After all, you don't want your sensitive important information shared or stolen. While you take steps to ensure your systems are secure, there is one area you can't really control: social media. Hackers aren't stupid, and they have taken to these services in droves, looking to take advantage of unwary employees. It's important to develo

Is admin access really necessary?

Date: 13 Dec 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A common expectation of the younger generation entering the workforce is that the technology they use is unrestricted. They want to be able to access social networks, YouTube and personalize their systems by downloading favorite apps, backgrounds, etc. Many companies have obliged and just give all users administrative access to their computers. A recent survey however, has highlighted that this

Should you encrypt your mobile phone?

Date: 30 Nov 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

One of the more ubiquitous devices of the modern era is the smartphone. We can do nearly everything on it, and as such it has played a large part in the blurring of the lines between work and life. While this is good for many businesses, many of these devices are largely unsecured, which can lead to problems, especially if the unsecured data is actually sensitive company information. One way to se

Do you know how to spot spam?

Date: 23 Nov 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Spam can be a number of things. The original being canned spiced ham developed by Hormel in the 1930s. Due to food rationing in Britain during the Second World War, Spam became a popular menu item, so much so that it seemed to be everywhere, in every dish, whether you liked it or not. When the Internet was created and people started using email, we started getting emails that we didn't want, these