
Phone Support Scams: Keep Employees Ready

Date: 06 Mar 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Cybercriminals will stop at nothing to prey on the uninformed. Help your employees be ready for scammers who may call them on the phone posing as support personnel. With a little education, you could save your business a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, there are people with bad intentions who want to cheat you of time and money. Phone scammers use fear to prey on unsuspecting people to steal infor

How Safe is Your Company’s Boardroom?

Date: 23 Feb 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Protection from the ubiquitous computer hacker is paramount for any business. Each year, billions of dollars are spent on security systems to keep confidential and sensitive data safe from those seeking to exploit it. How is it then, that we've forgotten about the one place where all of our vital business decisions are made? Boston based Rapid7 is a security company that specializes in finding ho

Securely Connecting to Public Hotspots

Date: 14 Feb 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Wireless hotspots are convenient – but not terribly secure. While allowing you to work from anywhere, they can also expose your device and data to security threats. Read on to find out how to protect yourself. Wireless internet access, or WiFi, is now so common that it can be found virtually anywhere—in airports, shops, restaurants, and other public spaces. The near ubiquity of these wirel

Prevent Malware by Disabling AutoRun

Date: 03 Feb 2012 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

USB thumb drives – along with other portable storage devices – are an easy way to share files between users. However, if you haven't disabled the AutoRun feature, you also run the risk of letting certain viruses and malware penetrate your system much easier. One of the most common entry points of malware and viruses into a system is through USB thumb drives. Besides the fact that these lit