
Takeaways from the Ashley Madison hack

Date: 31 Aug 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Regardless of what you think about the Ashley Madison hack, it is big news when it comes to data security. While your company may not be as big or deal with such a sensitive topic like Ashley Madison, you can still be at risk. This scandal can serve as a springboard to improving security throughout your company. Here are three lessons from the Ashley Madison hack your business should pay attentio

The different types of malware: explained

Date: 22 Jul 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Ever been infected by malware or a virus? For most internet users, the answer is probably yes. But what is the difference between all the cyber threats out there? What makes a virus different from a trojan or worm? And how can you protect your critical data and your business from these threats? If you’ve never been able to answer these questions, here’s the explanation you’ve been waiting fo

MasterCard’s new selfie verification

Date: 08 Jul 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Love them or hate them, selfies are here to stay. And with facial recognition technology becoming both more advanced and more mainstream, selfies have now found their way into the online security world. MasterCard is the most recent global corporation to join in on the trend. Here’s how they’re planning to integrate facial recognition technology into the online payment process. At the beginnin

Google boosts security with physical keys

Date: 01 Jun 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

If your business is lacking adequate security protection, the doors are wide open to an attack from outside. To make things worse, security threats are constantly evolving and developing, rendering them more difficult to keep up with. At least Google is on your side - its recent introduction of physical Security Keys for Drive for Work users means an extra layer of safeguarding for the cloud-base

How to transition to the cloud securely

Date: 13 May 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Cloud computing marketing can be deceiving. When you see an image of the cloud, it’s often a happy, bubbly white puffball floating delightfully in front of a blue sky background. Its presence is both calming and reassuring, and makes you believe that anything is possible. Security would never be an issue, right? Ask one of the nearly seven million Dropbox users who had their accounts hacked, an

Protect business data with these tips

Date: 29 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Business data is something you can’t afford to lose, since it could lead to you losing the trust of your clients, resulting in loss of revenue. And since the hackers aren’t going anywhere, it’s more important than ever to employ security measures to protect your business data. It’s true that some hackers might be so determined and skilled that no simple security methods will ever prevent t

Oust the pesky virus from your Android device

Date: 15 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

There are things that all of us hold dear to our hearts: family, a stable career, and our smartphone and tablet. Okay, maybe those last two aren’t as important as the others. But still, your smartphone or tablet is likely an integral part of your life. And you’re probably using them to foster that stable career or family life. So when your device becomes infected, what’s to do? We’re spec

How to protect your email account

Date: 01 Apr 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

If you think your email is fully protected from hackers, think again. A lack of sufficient email security measures can result in data theft, unauthorized access to sensitive information and the invasion of your computer by viruses and malware. Here are some tips to secure your email account from unwanted intruders and the many troubles that come with them. Use separate email accounts Most people

Venmo adds multi-factor authentication

Date: 18 Mar 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

It’s easy to get complacent about internet security, but the reality is that none of us can afford to let our guard down. Precautions to protect yourself, your identity and your finances online can be simple, but they are only effective when practiced rigorously and consistently. And while the most obvious things like making passwords hard to guess and locking your workstation are as effective a

Improved internet security with 3 easy tips

Date: 04 Mar 2015 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Are you concerned about internet security? Did you know there are a few simple ways to get increased protection that require only minimal investment of time? We’re not just talking about changing your passwords regularly or installing antivirus software. There are a few other methods that are less often talked about - here are three tips to boost your internet security that you might not have th