
5 safety steps to online shopping

Date: 25 Jul 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Have you ever bought something online? There is something compelling about browsing an online store, filling a virtual cart, checking-out and having it arrive on your doorstep a few days later. E-commerce is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of shopping, but like everything else on the Internet, there are security issues you could run into. Below are five ways to ensure that e-commer

Android security flaw uncovered

Date: 11 Jul 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The security of devices used in the office should be a top priority for business owners and managers. It is easy to think that a fully functioning device like a mobile phone is secure, and most of the time it is. The thing to be aware of however, is that there are always hackers looking for security flaws in these products. The latest flaw highlighted happens to be on the Android system. In early

NSA data collection exposed

Date: 27 Jun 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Hong Kong is one of the busiest and freest cities on Earth. It also recently played host to one of the biggest whistleblowers in history - Edward Snowden. In early June, Snowden, an ex NSA (National Security Agency) consultant, exposed their data collection program, causing unparalleled uproar and controversy. For many business operators it also created confusion. Here is an overview of the story

Five low cost security tips

Date: 13 Jun 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

A common misconception among many business owners and managers is that managing the security of their systems and computers is a time-consuming and costly endeavor. While it certainly can be expensive, how much you spend really depends on the type of security you want and need. In fact, there are security steps you can take that won't cost you much in the way of time or money. Here are five low-c

Four password management systems

Date: 30 May 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The password is the main way we identify ourselves online. We need these to access nearly every account and service we use. Hackers know this and often target this area. One way to minimize the chance of your accounts being hacked is by using different passwords for every account. However, the issue is that remembering them all isn't always easy. A password management system can help, but what typ

LivingSocial: 50 million accounts hacked

Date: 16 May 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

The Internet, still in its early phases, is seeing a dramatic increase in the number of users. Unfortunately, this growth has also seen an increase in the number of cyber criminals and attacks against websites. The latest major attack was perpetrated against LivingSocial. If you have an account with this website, you may want to pay attention. LivingSocial is a daily deals website that focuses on

Five password don’ts

Date: 03 May 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

5 tips to spot email fraud

Date: 19 Apr 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

While being one of the most useful business tools ever invented, email can also be a hinderance. Because of its generally open nature, when anyone can get an email address, criminals have taken their operations online in the form of email frauds or scams. This can be a big issue for business owners, and knowing how to determine if an email is legitimate or not is important. Here's five tips to hel

Confused about computer viruses?

Date: 04 Apr 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Docracy helps track Terms of Service

Date: 25 Mar 2013 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Most small to medium businesses operate on razor-thin margins, with managers and owners on the lookout for ways to minimize costs in hopes of maximizing the bottom line. There are many ways to cut costs, and one area to look at could be your technology. As you likely know, technology isn't cheap, but there is always a way to keep expenses down. Here are five ways you can reduce IT spending. Backup