Web & Cloud

Improve your website using these 3 features

Date: 06 Jan 2016 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

You might have a website but nowadays that is no longer enough. It is vital you have a website that looks good and has features that reflect well upon your business. A cheap looking, unappealing website is just about the fastest way to scare off new clients and make current customer reconsider their decision to do business with you. We have compiled a few things you can do to make your website rea

Google Trials Password-Free Login

Date: 05 Jan 2016 | Posted BY: ulisticadmin

Passwords such as “Password123”, “Mycomputer” and the classic “123456” can pose a very real threat to small and medium sized businesses everywhere. Easy to crack and hack, if your staff are logging in to company accounts with over simplified passwords, they are putting your business at risk. Adding to the danger, phishers also know that people are always the weakest link in a security